Llanfair Retirement Center
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio
The construction of a new, spacious chapel in the retirement center called for an organ, for musical leadership in a variety of circumstances. The carpeted chapel also demanded special attention to acoustics. An Allen 3-manual Protege organ was selected, on a moveable dolly and with the enhanced "Reflections" speaker package provided by Allen / Seta Music to add a dimension of space and liveliness to the room. The organ....like all Allen organs......includes a total of FOUR separate organ voicings, including neo-Baroque, French Romantic, and Allen Classical. Since the installation of the organ, Llanfair Retirement Center has promoted a regular program of musical activities for its residents and outside guests alike.
- Above the flat screen is one of the two speaker chambers designed to provide adequate acoustic projection and also tastefully hiiden behind the complimentary grill cloth.
- The Seta Music experts can custom voice each stop to the room and preferences of the muscians. In addition, through Allen Organ “DOVE” technology, Seta Music can substitute any stop with multiple choices from famous pipe organs that have been “digitally sampled” from around the world.